A First Rushed Reflection on Two Reports That Are Worth Reading


Parliamentary select committees often work quietly in the background only occasionally breaking into the limelight.  Taken together their output is amazing.  With very few staff and members from all parties they make an important contribution to Parliament’s duty to hold the government of the day to account.

Today’s reports by the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee are important ones.  The first report considers the Parliamentary Scrutiny of the Government’s Handling of Covid-19.  The second looks at the question of a Public Inquiry into the response.  At the time of writing this I do not know the scale of the media interest or what the government’s response will be.  Both reports will not be welcomed by the government – whatever they say officially.

The first report obviously dwells on the early days of the crisis.  Even so the report has been produced quickly.  The volume of evidence taken was not large but the committee were very selective about who was called to give oral evidence. They were well served by their witnesses. 

The Committee had quite a bit to say about the absence of parliamentary scrutiny and about the decision not to use the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (CCA):


However, the Committee is not convinced that the Civil Contingencies Act could not have been used for COVID-19 and believes there was a potential role for the Civil Contingencies Act in providing a “stop-gap” for more detailed scrutiny of the Coronavirus Bill to take place.” The potential use of the Civil Contingencies Act as a “stop-gap” should be considered by the Government in response to emergencies in the future. Furthermore, the Coronavirus Act does not have the same safeguards as the Civil Contingencies Act. It is troubling the Paymaster General referred to these safeguards as a reason not to use that Act. Any separate legislation to deal with civil contingencies—and particularly legislation that needs to be passed very quickly—should include safeguards and scrutiny provisions that are equivalent to those in the CCA, with regular renewal of powers allowing for more detailed Parliamentary scrutiny that, due to expediency, cannot be given during the passing of emergency legislation.

35. The Government’s reticence to use the Civil Contingencies Act in response to a genuine national emergency calls into question how fit for purpose that legislation is.”

 (PACC 2019/2020 4th Report p13 Emphasis added)


In general terms the Committee were worried about the lack of opportunity for Parliamentary scrutiny.  The example of the requirement to wear face covering on public transport is cited as an example:

“In relation to the regulations mandating the use of face coverings on public transport, plans for such legislation were announced by the Government on 4 June 2020.47 But the relevant legislation, made on 15 June, was not debated in the House until 6 July”

(Ibid p17)

They could have added that despite the announcement the detail contained in the regulations was only available on the day it came into force – leaving no time for those responsible for enforcing it to prepare.

In more general terms the report is also clear:

The Committee is concerned by both the scale of legislation and the inability of Parliamentarians to effectively amend COVID-19 legislation. The scale of legislation, covering a large number of statutory instruments made under multiple sources, makes it very difficult for even experts to follow what legislation is in effect. Even more concerning is the fact that Members have no mechanism to amend this legislation which is being made under statutory instrument. All stages of the Bill were taken through the House of Commons in one sitting day. This means Members had just one sitting day to fully influence and amend the Coronavirus Act. Members have no power to amend statutory instruments made under that Act. As we detail below, Members have had no opportunity to meaningfully engage with and amend the lockdown regulations under the Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984.

(Ibid P17)


The report takes a robust position on the merging of legislation and guidance and gives examples whereby ministers mis-stated the law.    It is accepted that guidance is required in addition to the legislation itself but are clear that mistakes have been made:

“It is prudent of the Government not to seek to legislate for every eventuality, which would lead to a myriad of confusing, flawed and ultimately unenforceable provisions and exceptions. There is, therefore, a clear role for both guidance and legislation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This point notwithstanding, it is incompatible with the rule of law for the Government to misrepresent what the law actually is at any time. There have been disappointing examples of this misrepresentation during the pandemic, such as describing people in parts of the North of England as being “banned” from doing things that they were not yet banned from at all. Ministerial declarations to the public are not the same as legislation and in a Parliamentary democracy they should not be treated as such. In future the Government should ensure its communications are clear as to whether something is guidance or whether it is a requirement under the law. An example of clearer communication has been over the use of face coverings in shops and public transport”.

(Ibid p24)

The tone of the report is measured.  It does not grandstand.  It is a good example of what a select committee can contribute to the debate.

The second report out today looks at the question of a public inquiry into the government response to the pandemic.  The report reminds us that the Prime Minister has told the House of Commons on 15th July 2020 that an independent inquiry will be established.  The Prime Minister did not indicate when this would happen and nor has he said what form it will take.  The committee examine this issue in some depth.  They do not adopt a rose tinted approach to public inquiries.  Indeed, after taking evidence from those with experience of public inquiries they describe the downsides to the PI process.  The report’s summary of the pros and cons of inquiries will be of use to academics and observers in future times – and not just around the response to health emergencies.  I would expect that this part of the report will appear in many dissertations and essays in the years to come.  

Overall the committee were very wary of the ‘blame game’:

“The coronavirus pandemic did not arise because of human error or systemic failures of policy. Consequently, a public inquiry into how the Government has responded to the coronavirus pandemic should be primarily focussed on improving policy. It should ensure that the right lessons are learnt from any mistakes that have been made. Accountability cannot be ignored: for learning to take place, it is important to understand the events that have occurred, the decisions that were taken and the reasons for that. The impact of decisions on those most directly affected by them must be understood. There must be honesty about mistakes made. But the public inquiry should be forward-looking and the primary purpose of any look backwards should not be to apportion blame but to understand how to ensure that the country is better prepared for any future pandemic. The inquiry should be organised on this basis. This should include avoiding the excess adversarialism of the quasi court-style proceedings of some inquiries”.

(PACC 2019/2020 5th Report P8)


This part is a tad idealistic, if not slightly confused.  An inquiry into the response will inevitably highlight mistakes.  The stakes are high.  Thousands have died.  The bereaved will want, and are entitled to, an explanation of shortcomings that amount to incompetence or any wilful failures to plan for the foreseeable.  There is no appetite for a witch hunt but society does need a reckoning and a holding to account of those whose decisions were wrong, for the wrong reasons.

The committee considered whether or not a Parliamentary Commission could do the job but the sheer scale of the task means that this is really a non starter.  The next question was whether or not an inquiry should be one set up under the Inquiries Act 2005.  Such an inquiry would have powers that are denied to select committees and more ‘informal’ inquiries and reviews.  After some soul searching (and careful balancing) they conclude that that the inquiry should be a statutory one:

“It is clear that non-statutory inquiries are able to proceed more flexibly outside the confines of the Inquiries Act. Their reliance on cooperation can also create an environment that is more conducive for evidence gathering. Nonetheless, the safeguard that the statutory powers provide for accessing evidence or administering oaths means that it would be preferable that an inquiry into the Government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic should be established under the Inquiries Act.”

(Ibid p10)

The report also addresses the issue of timing and urges that the inquiry is established without delay to allow the logistics to be attended to:

The Government has committed to holding a public inquiry into the response to the coronavirus. It is correct to do so. The Prime Minister has said, however, that the inquiry will not be held whilst efforts to combat the pandemic continue. Given the time an inquiry typically takes to begin its evidence gathering, the Government should announce the inquiry into the response to the coronavirus immediately to allow time to set up the secretariat and other administrative functions which should mean it could start taking evidence early next year. Delaying the set-up will inevitably delay the inquiry’s ability to start work in earnest.”

(Ibid p10)


The report goes on to consider who (in the sense of what sort of professional) should chair the inquiry and whether or not there should be a panel.  They suggest that consideration be given to a non judicial chair supported by a panel. 

Finally they turn to the always difficult area of the Terms of Reference  and what happens to the product of any inquiry.  Not surprisingly they see a role for select committees in keeping a grip on the government’s reactions to an inquiry report.  On the subject of the devolved administrations on the other hand I was surprised to see a recommendation that separate inquiries are established for each nation of the UK.  They give some practical reasons why this is a good idea.  This is perhaps one of the few areas of the report where one can see that this is a committee of politicians. 

Like most detailed reports this is worth reading in full.  Doing this will not be a waste of time.

These reports show that select committees can move quickly and produce high quality investigations that do not over reach themselves.  We await the government response.  Will it be virtually instant (on the chocks ready to go – ‘oven ready’ perhaps?) or will it be kicked into the undergrowth?  By the end of week we should have some idea.


Philip Trendall

10 September 2020


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